soupandcats art

An interview with New York-based artist soupandcats

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Discover the world of Inika, the creative mind behind the Instagram handle “soupandcats.” Based in New York, Inika’s art encompasses a wide range of mediums, from digital creations to captivating collages, intimate sketchbook sketches, comic strips, and narrative illustrations. Their work is incredibly vibrant and tackles playful themes with a poetic essence, which sparked our curiosity about their creative process.

Intrigued by Inika’s art, we’ve secured an exclusive interview to learn about their favorite pieces, creative process, and sources of inspiration. We hope it inspires you too!

Hi! Could you please start by introducing yourself and you work?

soupandcats: My name is Inika. I’m half-Indian and half-Chinese and I’m from New York City. I’m currently a freshman at Rhode Island School of Design planning to major in painting. Lately I’ve been interested in traditional mixed media work and collage. I love maps, and am super inspired by the urban landscape.

At what stage of your creative process do you see yourself in (finding your own art style, developing it on platforms and real life)?

soupandcats: I definitely still feel like I’m at the beginning of my creative process. Every year my art style, my taste, and the way I see my artistic process change so much. I definitely don’t have a clearly defined artistic practice and this year I’ve fallen in love with so many new methods and materials. A new favorite I’ve discovered is oil pastels — I always found them difficult before but now I’m completely obsessed with them!

What is your favourite art piece and why?

soupandcats: My favorite piece is the artist book I made last year titled “I’m Searching for a Place”. It’s forty pages of collage I did while I had an injured wrist and wasn’t really able to draw. I love it because it is my most ambitious project so far and it was also how I discovered my love for collage. It really opened me up to the idea that there are so many ways to make art, outside of just drawing!


Where do you see yourself in 5 years (aspirations or else)?

soupandcats: I’d love to make more books. One my my dreams is to write and illustrate a children’s book! I also really want to be in an art show I feel like it would be so fun.

Who are your biggest influences for art and narration?

soupandcats: I absolutely love Eric Carle (his collage is incredible), Paul Klee and Sheila Hicks (I love how both of them use color), Piet Mondrian (specifically his piece Broadway Boogie Woogie), and Sarah Sze (her sculptures are like 3D drawings. I really want to see one in person ).

Do you take any inspiration from other art forms (or something completely seperated from art)?

soupandcats: I love all of Stephen Sondheim’s music he has such a wonderful way with words. I’m particularly obsessed with his musical Sunday in the Park with George. I also get a lot of inspiration from writing— I’m constantly thinking about Borges’ short story “The Garden of Forking Paths.” I also have been really enjoying maps lately. Every time I go out I’m on the lookout for subway maps and bike maps. I love all the branching lines.

What would be your advice to newer artists who wants to be successful in the art field?

soupandcats: Honestly I’m not really sure. I haven’t really entered the field yet since I’m still a student, but I would say just keep going and keep exploring! That’s what I’m trying to do at least, and hopefully things will work out in the future.

What projects would be your dream to work on?

soupandcats: I’d love to make a piece for the MTA. All the artwork I see on the subway is so cool.

What projects would be your dream to work on?

soupandcats: I’m currently filling up a journal with a new illustration every day. I document it on my sketch account on instagram (@soupandsketch) and I’d love for people to check it out! 

To discover further and suppport the artist’s work, follow them on Instagram on their main page @soupandcats and sketch account @soupandsketch. You can also check out their really cool merch!

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What projects would be your dream to work on?