C.C.T.V: Discovering the Punk Band from Indiana

Finding information on the band C.C.T.V wasn’t the easiest endeavor, but I think that added something to the appeal of this band from the very first listen. In this article, we’ll cover everything we could find about C.C.T.V, in addition to featuring their releases all in one place.

Who are C.C.T.V the Band?

C.C.T.V are a punk band from Indiana that are best known for their 2015 EP featuring the song Paranoia. The group is made up of members of the band The Coneheads, a group clouded in similar fringe obscurity. They have been active from 2015-2016 with a reunion in 2019. The band have no Spotify biography. No band website. No information at all really. 

Firstly, it’s worth noting that The Coneheads are described as a “Weird synth punk band in the vein of Dow Jones And The Industrials, Devo, etc“. It’s easy to see why. With mechanical leaning vocals featured across tracks such as Nasal Load, Head Onna Steak and their incredible cover of the Talking Head’s Psycho Killer. C.C.T.V follow this with the welcome addition of vocals from Jennifer Giba. 



Caught somewhere between the B-52s & The Pixies on speed – the boston hassle highlights their sound as “Devo-style punk that borders on post-punk”. Expect quirky guitar, relentless drumming and standout vocals all encapsulated in the coolest of raw fi formats.

Discover C.C.T.V band's other releases

Ultimately, a band like this can’t ever be measured in Spotify streams, or playlist features. Despite all the aforementioned musical comparisons, C.C.T.V ultimately hold their own. Across limited releases, they managed to sculpt a unique sound. The band itself may not have been long-lived, but certainly built up a following of dedicated fans. As much as convenience can be great when it comes to learning about artists, sometimes having absolutely no information on a group forces you back into a record digging mentality of music discovery. 

It’s worth checking out the Cutnpasteyoface article on the band for more information. 

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