Women as Fascinating Creatures: An interview with Japanese artist mitsunavinilo
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Mitsunavinilo is an artist based in Japan that specialises in capturing the beauty of ethereal women through drawings crafted with pencil, charcoal, and pastels. With long eyelashes and lushious dark hair, Vilino’s subjects exude a captivating presence, evoking a sense of uniqueness and mystery. These drawings depict intriguing creatures that enthrall viewers with their enigmatic charm. While acknowledging that their artwork ‘may seem scary, quirky or unbalanced’, Vinino describes it as a heartfelt homage to the ‘fascination of women’. Through their art, Mitsuna Vinilo celebrates the distinctive and enigmatic beauty of women. In our interview with the artist, we asked about their favorite artworks, techniques, and the profound significance of art in their life. Additionally, we’ve provided the original text in Japanese, along with our translation.
How would you introduce yourself to a public that has never seen your art (personally and/or artistically)?
mitsunavinilo: 日本で活動しているmitsunaviniloと申します。 私のイラストを初めて見る方は怖い、癖がある、絵のバランスが悪いと思わせてしまうかもしれないと感じることがあります。けれども私のイラストで暇を潰せる、面白いと感じてもらえるなら幸いです。
mitsunavinilo: My name is mitsunavinilo and I work in Japan. I sometimes feel that my illustrations may seem scary, quirky or unbalanced to those who see them for the first time. However, I hope that you will find my illustrations interesting and that they will help you pass the time.

What role does art play in your life?
mitsunavinilo: 友達のような家族のような配偶者のようなものだと思っています。刺激だとも思います。
mitsunavinilo: I see it as a friend, a family member, a spouse. I also think of it as a stimulus.
What medium is your go-to or favourite? Have you ever tried another medium or would you ever change it?
mitsunavinilo: Pencil, pastel, charcoal, pen and Japanese sketchbook. I think I will draw analogue pictures for the rest of my life. I will not use anything else.

We find your style really unique. Did you ever have such a definite art style or did you experiment before finding yourself in an artistic sense?
mitsunavinilo: 昔から今のイラストに近い絵を描いていました。ぱっつん前髪、黒髪が好きでよく描いていました。描いていたら今の状態です。
mitsunavinilo: I have always drawn pictures similar to my current illustrations. I used to draw a lot, because I liked the choppy bangs look and black hair. If I had drawn it, I would be where I am now.
Do you find yourself enjoying similar art styles or very different art from what you create? What artists do you love?
mitsunavinilo: どちらも好きです。個性的で芯のある絵を描く方が大好きです。おしゃれで個性的でまた少し色気があったりする素敵な絵は目を奪われます。
mistunavinilo: I like both. I love painters who are unique and have a core of their own. I am fascinated by nice paintings that are stylish, unique and also have a bit of colour.
What is the biggest challenge of being an artist (especially on internet)?
mitsunavinilo: 自分が楽しく描いていられることです。最大の敵は自分です。
mitsunavinilo: It’s already something that I can enjoy drawing. Your biggest enemy is yourself.

Have you ever collaborated with another artist. If not, who would you love to collaborate with?
mitsunavinilo: ないです。ランジェリーファッションを得意とする方とコラボしてみたいです
mitsunavinilo: No, I haven’t yet. I would like to collaborate with someone who specialises in lingerie fashion.
Do you have any upcoming projects or shows?
mitsunavinilo: 不定期に少数ページの手作り本を作ります。
mitsunavinilo: I infrequently make handmade books of a small number of pages.
Follow mitsunavinilo on their instagram page to support them and keep discovering their art. You can also purchase their merch and original drawings. Keep supporting artists!
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